
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Window Shopping

Hey Everyone, you can start touring the windows on La Cienega today for the 2010 Legends of La Cienega event. From now until May 8th you can view windows inspired by Hollywood cinema and attend exclusive events. Here is the schedule for your viewing pleasure. I'm crushing on three displays right now. The Glee window by Barbara Munch at Jamal's Rug Collection is my favorite so far...Happy Window Shopping Everyone!

Barbara Munch, Glee, at Jamal's Rug Collection
Auntie Mame by Woodson & Rummerfield at Baker
Auntie Mame by Woodson & Rummerfield at BakerBreakfast at Tiffany's by Richard Hallberg at Navona AntiquesBreakfast at Tiffany's by Richard Hallberg at Navona Antiques

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

You know I love Tiffany & Co. too, lol.

Peace, Love and Chocolate

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